Sustainability & Our Ecological Approach to Resources

We have three independent audits per year, two of which those audits specifically assess how are environmental and social impact. We were awarded GOLD by The Sustainable Restaurant Association and 5 Stars by the Soil Association.


We are a values-driven business. Our environmental credentials and radically ethical approach to business is what sets us apart. But beyond the cool sexy stuff, past the gorgeous organic bedlinen, incredible food and remarkable organic bar there are the bins and the bills! Below we have listed more info on how we manage and respect the planets resources.

We strive to operate in the most principled way we can - valuing the planets resources at every step. We are a values-driven business. Our environmental credentials and radically ethical approach to business is what sets us apart. But beyond the cool sexy stuff, like the gorgeous organic bedlinen, incredible food and remarkable organic bar there are the bins and the bills! To ensure we are doing our best we have three rigorousindependent external audits a year.



We actively try not to use resources, whether that is through monitoring our own use or by asking our guests to turn down radiators or reuse towels, we always try our best to not use resources in the first place.

In October 2023 we installed a Voltage Optimiser which reduces our electricity use by 12% as well as helping to extend the life of our electrical equipment. Since the VO’s installation we are on track to save over 2,000kg in carbon emissions per annum.


We source all our energy from a ‘Green Energy’ supplier – we use Ecotricity. Because their energy is renewable, we save approx. 43 tonnes of C02 on our Scope 2 emissions alone.


We have solar tubes on the roof that heat the water for the bedroom’s bathrooms. They don’t generate all the power needed, so we have to top up with gas to ensure that our room guests always have access to lovely hot water. We are in the process of measuring the amount of water that is heated over different periods of time and different seasons so we can gauge how well it works, and how we can optimise its efficiency.


When we refurbished the pub, we installed a heat recapture system in the kitchen that uses the heat generated by our stoves to heat the water downstairs. Like the solar, it doesn’t heat all the water we need and like the solar we are also in the process of measuring how much hot water and energy it generates over periods, seasons etc. All exciting stuff! We added an extra pump in 2023 so we can measure how much water is being heated. Plus, in April 2024, we purchased a dishwasher (our old one broke) that uses a steam recapture system, a system that uses its own steam to preheat the water it uses for future cycles, reducing electricity use by up to 25%.


Being a town centre pub does produce its challenges when it comes to reusing grey water. We simply haven’t got the space inside the pub to do that. One of our goals for 2024 was to find ways to reduce our water usage. In April 2024 we purchased a super duper energy efficient dishwasher that saves us 0.8litres per cycle which equates to a minimum of 34,560 litres saved per year!


We separate all our rubbish here at the pub in general, mixed recycling, glass, cardboard, food and oil. Since January 2023 we have been working with Binit, as well as DCW to really dig into what our waste consists off, seperating it more specifically, for example instead of ‘paper and card’ we now seperate it into ‘large cardboard’ and ‘small paper and card’. ‘clean tin/metal’ and ‘clean plastics’. Binit then analyse our waste to help us understand how much food contaminated waste we are producing. This will help BinIt generate data on what kind of recycling infrastructure we need here in the South West.


Before we look at managing food waste, we look at not creating it in the first place. People often look at what you can do with radish tops or peelings, but the simplest and most effective approach is through serving sensible sized portions. This drastically mitigates the most offensive source of food waste - the chucking of prepared & cooked food into the bin simply because too much has been put on the plate.

OIL //

Our Used Cooking Oil (UCO) is used to make biodiesel that you can run your vehicle off. This is by far the most sustainable way to recycle UCO. Also, as part of the refinement process, any bits and bobs or scraps of food left in the oil is filtered out and used in the anaerobic digestion plant (alongside other food waste) on site to power and heat the plant.


All our non-recyclable waste is picked up by Devon Contract Waste (DCW) who have a ‘Zero to Landfill’ policy. What this means is that all materials and refuse that can be recycled are and any remaining refuse/waste that cannot be recycled is utilised as ‘Energy from Waste’ – now this is not a perfect cure all system, but it is much better than landfill. In short, the waste is incinerated, and the energy produced by that process is captured and used to create both electricity and heat to power the Devonport dockyard in Plymouth. This is type of ‘Energy from Waste’ process is called Combined Heat and Power (CHP) as you get both heat and electricity.

MIXED RECYCLING – Paper, Cardboard and Plastics //

Our mixed recycling is bagged up and sorted by hand in Exeter. Plastics are recycled and pelletised and used to make new products, plastic furniture and decking.We send much of our cardboard to be composted, but if we have excess it is also processed by BinIt. Cardboard has a long life in recycling terms, meaning that it can be recycled again and again until it eventually becomes low quality paper and toilet paper


Our food waste is all processed locally at Langage Farm where it is processed in their anaerobic digestion facility to produce electricity, heat and fertilisers which then powers the farm, resulting in the only carbon neutral dairy in the country. They even produce enough electricity to sell some back to the national grid.


All our glass goes to Wales where it gets washed and dipped to remove any residue and then recycled. It will then be filtered/graded to see whether the glass is suitable for remelting and turning back into glass bottles or whether it needs to be repurposed in the building industry where it is added to bricks.



We manage our food very carefully but there is unavoidable waste, which is where our refuse management system comes in. But before it becomes waste, we are always working to find new ways to make our food go further, like finding ingenious ways to use whole limes, skins, juice – only the pith is rejected - to make 3 times as much lime juice or by reusing our spent coffee grinds by making them into coffee liqueur. We will continue to innovate wherever we can.


We challenge packaging if its not good enough and if a company won’t work with us to do better or we can’t manage the packaging satisfactorily from our position in its lifecycle then we will just won’t work with them. We work with local retail shops to reuse any packaging – including the dreaded bubble wrap (we hardly get any now and what we do get is made with recycled plastic and is recyclable) – so that these odds and end of packaging at least have a second or third life before they are sent off for recycling and the last remaining polystyrene packaging has now found a sustainable second life! It’s an ongoing battle, but one we will keep fighting.


We are deeply conscientious in how we treat and manage resources here at the pub, and we are commited to operating in the most ethical way we can. We will continue to invest our time, energy and money in doing the very best we can.